Author: Guest Author

Software and services market leaders combine
by Jim Butler On 4th February Streetworks Software Ltd of Abbotsley Cambridgeshire merged with Lightsout Computer Services Ltd of Coventry, to create a new independent software and services powerhouse. Streetworks Software Ltd provides its works information management system, SwIMS, to major clients working across water, gas, electric and telecommunication infrastructures,

SwIMS – Building the future of Works Management Software
At Streetworks Software Limited we are very proud of SwIMS, our leading Utility Works Management Software (UWMS). SwIMS has naturally evolved over the years it has been in use and whilst SwIMS continued to perform well, it was clear to us that it was time to enhance SwIMS, to deliver

Streetworks announce Panasonic Partnership
by Jim Butler Streetworks Software Ltd recently announced a parternship with Panasonic to become a Toughbook Engage Panasonic Partner. Panasonic are in our view the best-known providers of ruggedised hardware devices, their “Toughbook” range of laptops, tablets and PDAs are famed throughout the industry. The combination of our SwIMS application environment along

RIIO-2 How Can SwIMS Help Your Business
by Jim Butler The team here at Streetworks Software recently had a look at the Ofgem plans to deliver savings of over £5bn to consumers through tougher price controls for energy networks. RIIO-2 moved closer to reality at the end of July 2018 The second round of OFGEM – “setting

Cost to Value Reporting (CVR) with SwIMS
Utilities and the contractor companies that support and deliver their operational activities use many different tools to help them organise and manage their work. Some organisations still use manual forms and paperwork, some have moved to use software originally designed to deliver personal productivity gains, while others recognise and utilise